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Training Assessment Project : Romania Country Report (English)

16 Jan 2023

The assessment is aimed at identifying and assessing the current conditions and common practices under which Romanian training institutions operate and providing policy makers and training providers with key actions and recommendations to strengthen the education and training system in the country, with the intention of leading to increased economic productivity and competitiveness. The Romania country report presents the findings and results of Training Assessment Project (TAP) analysis, and the overall performance of Romanian training providers as benchmarked by the TAP methodology, highlighting actions to improve training outcomes, for example, employability of graduates, and raising performance to meet international good practices. The TAP analysis focused on two groups of training providers, namely: institutions offering initial vocational education and training (IVET) programs with a duration between three and five years, and institutions offering continuous vocational education and training (CVET), offering short courses targeting adults (including public and private companies and non-governmental organizations providing internal training to their own staff). This report includes actions and recommendations for policymakers facing human capital decline, to inform improved policy decisions on training delivery, as well as specific recommendations for training providers to enable acknowledgement of diversity, relevance of their programs, and overall excellence, based on evidence.
social protection europe and central asia economic growth vocational education and technical training training and capacity development human capital and growth


Gresham,James, Sava,Alina, Butcher,Neil

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Training Assessment Project : Romania Country Report
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
7E-Shifting Production Frontiers: Delivering Inclusive Training Al -- P170747
Social Protection
TF No/Name
TF0B0752-Shifting Production Frontiers: Delivering Inclusive Training along the
Unit Owning
Education ECA (HECED)
Version Type
Volume No
