Occasional Paper 339 - China, Africa and the Market for Donkeys:


Occasional Paper 339 - China, Africa and the Market for Donkeys:

23 Jan 2023

The current China–Africa donkey-market structure and dynamics appear to be a case of the cart ending up before the donkey The current China–Africa donkey-market structure and dynamics appear to be a case of the cart ending up before the donkey, in turn putting at risk donkeys, the communities reliant on them and possibly even broader China–Africa relations. [...] In the case of China, Africa and the ‘market for donkeys’, what if the parallel illicit donkey trade is having the same effect? The fear that a legitimate donkey trade is inevitably paired with a secondary illegitimate – and inhumane – one could lead to the collapse of public and civil society support for any donkey trade, let alone the steady evolution of a sustainable one. [...] 20 Occasional Paper 339 | CHINA, AFRICA AND THE MARKET FOR DONKEYS: KEEPING THE CART BEHIND THE DONKEY regulatory and market-information lessons from the ‘market for lemons’ for the ‘market for donkeys’, and perhaps for China–Africa and South–South relations overall. [...] In Kenya, the High Court intervention enabled the continuation of the donkey trade with China on the grounds that the industry was sustainable In Kenya, the High Court intervention enabled the continuation of the donkey trade with China on the grounds that the industry was sustainable. [...] ‘Donkey economics’ should, for example, clearly establish the value of the donkey to poor communities, and to women, much the same as feminist economics has helped to quantify and communicate the value of ‘Donkey economics’ should, for example, clearly establish the value of the donkey to poor communities, and to women 28 Occasional Paper 339 | CHINA, AFRICA AND THE MARKET FOR DONKEYS: KEEPING THE.
Published in
South Africa
