Train Drain? Access to Foreign Workers and Firms’ Provision of Training


Train Drain? Access to Foreign Workers and Firms’ Provision of Training

31 Jan 2023

In the following, we focus on the liberalizations for cross-border workers because they are the reason why the opening of the labor market had a larger impact on regions close to the border. [...] To estimate the e!ect of the free movement policy, we interact the indicators of the three distance groups with indicators of the year t. [...] 5.2 E!ect on the employment of foreign workers Using data from the business census 1995–2008, Figure 4 shows estimates of the e!ect of the free movement policy on the employment of foreign workers in highly and slightly treated establishments. [...] 5.3 E!ect on the firms’ provision of training Did the free movement policy, and the growth in employment of skilled foreign workers in training firms to which the policy led, a!ect the number of apprenticeships that estab- lishments o!er? We present our main DiD estimates based on the censuses 1995–2008 in Panel B of Table 3. [...] To put the estimated impact of the free movement policy on the number of appren- ticeships in perspective, we can compare it to the e!ect on the hiring of foreign workers.
apprenticeships, cross-border workers, firm-provided training, free movement of


Maria Esther Oswald-Egg, Michael Siegenthaler

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