Image representing the file: WP202307-Who-benefits-from-free-health-insurance-evidence-from-Mexico.p


Image representing the file: WP202307-Who-benefits-from-free-health-insurance-evidence-from-Mexico.p

6 Feb 2023

In addition to the exact affiliation date, the Padrón contains information on the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the enrolled families, on their address of residence, and on the identifiers of the health center and of the general hospital assigned at the time of enrolment. [...] The exact date of affiliation of each family is used to construct the treatment indicator: the date of implementation of the program at the level of the municipality. [...] For most of the analysis we use registry data on deaths and hospital discharges aggregated at the level of the municipality of residence m (in state s) in year t, which refers to the time of the death and of the admission to the medical unit, respectively. [...] We control for characteristics of the household (quadratic for the age of the head, gender of the head, presence of children less than 18, an indicator for whether the head is married or living in partnership, the level of education) and fixed effects for the municipality of residence in 22We estimate municipality-specific trends using data before the implementation of SP, and we obtain a slope es. [...] The combined estimates presented in Panels A and B of Table B.20 show that the increase in the health personnel did not translate into a reduction in the number of outpatient consultations of those delivering outpatient services in SSA in poor municipalities.35 To understand why we detect immediate impacts of the program on the use of hospital services, we resort to the Padrón and examine the ass.
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United Kingdom