cover image: A Christian Nation? Understanding the threat of Christian Nationalism to American democracy and culture

A Christian Nation? Understanding the threat of Christian Nationalism to American democracy and culture

3 Feb 2023

A CHRISTIAN NATION? UNDERSTANDING THE THREAT OF CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY AND CULTURE Findings from the 2023 PRRI/Brookings Christian Nationalism Survey A CHRISTIAN NATION? UNDERSTANDING THE THREAT OF CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY AND CULTURE Findings from the 2023 PRRI/Brookings Christian Nationalism Survey Acknowldgements The survey was made possible through the g. [...] (Photo by Evelyn Hockstein/For The Washington Post via Getty Images) Contents 3 Measuring Christian Nationalism 14 The Influence of Christian Nationalism on Attitudes about Pluralism and Social Justice 17 Five Correlates of Christian Nationalism 23 Christian Nationalism, Authoritarianism, and the Police 25 Christian Nationalism and Violence 29 Whiteness and Christian Nationalism 31 Christian Natio. [...] UNDERSTANDING THE THREAT OF CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY AND CULTURE 23 Christian Nationalism, Authoritarianism, and the Police Authoritarianism Supporters of Christian nationalism tend to support obedience to authority and the idea of authoritarian leaders who are willing to break the rules. [...] UNDERSTANDING THE THREAT OF CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY AND CULTURE 25 Christian Nationalism and Violence Experiences with Violence An element of the more extreme versions of Christian nationalism is a willingness to fight to make the United States. [...] UNDERSTANDING THE THREAT OF CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY AND CULTURE 33 Appendix 1: Christian Nationalism Scale Methodology To measure Christian nationalism, the PRRI/Brookings Christian Nationalism Survey included a battery of five questions about the relationship between Christianity, American identity, and the U.

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United States of America
