cover image: COVID-19 MACROECONOMIC POLICY RESPONSES IN AFRICA 18 - Tanzania’s post-COVID-19 recovery strategy and the NDC


COVID-19 MACROECONOMIC POLICY RESPONSES IN AFRICA 18 - Tanzania’s post-COVID-19 recovery strategy and the NDC

8 Feb 2023

With the emergence of the pandemic and the subsequent development of the national COVID-19 socio-economic response and recovery plan, it has become necessary to strengthen climate change efforts by exploring and exploiting complementary investments in healthy, inclusive and resilient green growth. [...] Five Year Development Plan I (2011–2015) “In Tanzania, climate and In the FYDP I,2 the climate change narrative reflects environmental issues are the influence of post-Rio discourse and the country’s generally regarded as move to align with early UNFCCC processes – the initial communication of 2003 and the National Adaptation crosscutting matters in Programme of Action (NAPA) of 2007.3 It framed c. [...] These include difficulties in coordinating and aligning climate targets and policies, ensuring inclusive and effective stakeholder engagement, furthering knowledge on NDCs and financing NDC implementation.6 Mainstreaming the NDC in the COVID-19 response The Tanzania COVID-19 Socio-Economic Response and Recovery Plan (TCRP) of 2021 is the country’s blueprint for “Sector strategies in the responding. [...] The COVID-19 response in the TCRP also creates the opportunity to advance the water and sanitation strategies in the NDC. [...] The cost of implementing the NDC is estimated at $14.2 billion, with adaptation costs accounting for 65% of the budget.24 A total of 70% of the budget ($9.9 billion) is allocated to the energy sector (Figure 2), whose entire adaptation budget is dedicated to the sustainable management of hydro energy, the promotion of energy plantation and the development of community off- and mini-grids.
Published in
South Africa
