Equality Impact Assessment – UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships Scheme What is an Equality Impact Assessment and when might UKRI use it? Our leadership and building on good practice


Equality Impact Assessment – UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships Scheme What is an Equality Impact Assessment and when might UKRI use it? Our leadership and building on good practice

17 Feb 2023

To mitigate the risk of demand management negatively impacting the diversity of applicants to FLF Round 7, Host Organisations were asked to provide a statement describing the inclusive process they have used to select their chosen candidates by completing an online survey before the submission of full proposals to UKRI. [...] What are the arrangements for monitoring and The number and diversity of applications to the scheme will be monitored at reviewing the actual impact of the policy/funding point of full proposal submission and at all panel decision points. [...] We recognise that managing As per qu2, mitigation in place to and physical disabilities) demand may reduce the diversity ensure host organisations of the applicants to the scheme, support a diversity of applicants including applicants with within their institutional cap and, disabilities. [...] We recognise that managing As per qu2, mitigation in place to demand may reduce the diversity ensure host organisations of the applicants to the scheme, support a diversity of applicants including applicants of different within their institutional cap and, religions or beliefs. [...] We recognise that managing As per qu2, mitigation in place to demand may reduce the diversity ensure host organisations of the applicants to the scheme, support a diversity of applicants within their institutional cap and, 6 Protected Characteristic Group Is there a potential for positive Please explain and give Action to address potential or negative impact? examples of any evidence/data negative.


Holliday Linda

Published in
United Kingdom
