cover image: Federal Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) Work Plan Quarterly Update - QUARTERLY UPDATE Q3 2022/2023


Federal Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) Work Plan Quarterly Update - QUARTERLY UPDATE Q3 2022/2023

2 Mar 2023

Most not ewort hy was CNL̓ s present at ion of result s from t he research project ent it led Developing a Canadian framework and dat abase of paramet er values t o assess doses t o non-human biot a – an eort t o make fut ure Canadian nuclear power plant and mining sit e Environment al Risk Assessment s consist ent (t his is t he second t ime t hese result s were present ed, t he first being at t. [...] The support ing dat abase t hat will be used by all Canadian subject mat t er expert s t o perform st andardized and accurat e environment al risk assessment s for t he nuclear and mining indust ry will also allow t he Canadian Nuclear Safet y Commission t o bet t er reg ulat e t hese indust ries. [...] In Oct ober 2022, a workshop was held wit h federal depart ment s and ag encies t o discuss pot ent ial applicat ions of hybrid energ y syst ems in Canada, t he challeng es relat ed t o t heir deployment , and t he research and demonst rat ions required for t hese clean hybrid energ y syst ems t o realist ically support Canadaʼs net zero commit ment s. [...] The workshop provided CNL t he opport unit y t o explain it s plans under t he Federal Nuclear Science and Technolog y Work Plan, linkag es t o CNL̓ s work in advancing fuel development and manufact uring processes for ARC Clean Technolog yʼs SMR, and t o answer quest ions relat ed t o supply chain, required equipment , and collaborat ions. [...] These t wo project s exemplify t he cont ribut ions of ZED-2 t o science and t echnolog y t o dat e: an essent ial component of t he desig n, licensing , and operat ion of t he CANDU react or, while also making cont ribut ions t o ot her next g enerat ion nuclear t echnolog y.
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