cover image: EPSRC - Equality Impact Assessment - Question Response 1. Name of policy/funding activity/event


EPSRC - Equality Impact Assessment - Question Response 1. Name of policy/funding activity/event

27 Feb 2023

If an in person meeting has to be changed to virtual, we reserve the right to change the timetable of the meeting to take into account individual circumstances and allow additional time for breaks and technical issues. [...] The call will be published before the holiday and The outline funding will be open for an opportunity will be additional week to open over Easter, which mitigate the impact of is a major religious being open over the holiday. [...] The outline funding The outline opportunity opportunity will be will be open for an open during the Easter additional week to holidays, which could mitigate the impact of disproportionately being open over Easter. [...] The full funding The full opportunity will opportunity will be be open for an additional open over the Summer two weeks to mitigate holidays, which could the impact of being open disproportionately over the Summer. [...] Extra time will be allowed to to assist with cognitive load and ‘short term’ technical difficulties Contingency plans will be put in place if Zoom cannot be used Learning from virtual panels held prior to this, will be incorporated to improve the process.


Lucy Currie (EPSRC)

Published in
United Kingdom
