cover image: Equatorial Guinea: Prisoners of conscience released


Equatorial Guinea: Prisoners of conscience released

The organization also calls on the government of Equatorial Guinea to end the persecution of political opponents. [...] The government must immediately stop the torture and ill-treatment in custody of prisoners and should release all people held without charge or trial on account of their family or friendship links to political opponents. [...] Twenty one of the prisoners were released from Black Beach prison in the capital, Malabo, in the afternoon of 7 June, and one from Evinayong prison, on the mainland, on 13 June. [...] Despite the fact that they were known to be held incommunicado in Black Beach prison, the authorities denied that they were holding the three men and said that the three men were tried in their absence because they were not in the country. [...] Amnesty International was concerned about their abduction, unfair trial and the torture inflicted on Antimo Edu Abeso Felipe Esono and campaigned for the authorities to acknowledge their detention; to carry out an investigation into the abduction and torture and for the prisoners to have access to medical treatment, their families and lawyers.
equatorial guinea detention prisoners of conscience
Index number
AFR 24/002/2011
Published in
United Kingdom


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