Our research into sustainable development issues in the retail sector in South Africa shows the importance of social and environmental issues in this country and the direct role that the government and companies are playing. [...] Intro In this report we summarize some of the main conclusions of our research on the impor- tance of corporate governance to shareholders in the United States, the United Kingdom and several emerging markets over the past few years. [...] These include: Air quality in terms of acid rain Global warming Security of supply Sustainability of non-renewable energy resources The report regards carbon emission trading as the most far reaching of any initiatives in terms of both the effect on the electricity industry and attempts to quantify the impact of trading on the industry. [...] In general, the impact of these environmentally driven changes on power companies and stock prices depends on several factors: The fuel mix of generation between coal, gas, nuclear and renewables and the scope for reducing carbon dioxide by switching to low carbon output The extent of vertical integration between generation and retail, and therefore the extent to which prices are absorbed in low. [...] The increased focus on climate change and corporate governance, together with the rise of socially responsible investment (SRI)-managed money and non-governmental organi- sation (NGO) activity, is taking place at a time when the energy industry is undergoing profound structural changes: the globalisation of the gas industry, the ability to invest on a truly global basis, and the creation of a more.