cover image: Targeting in Ultra-Poor Settings : Evidence from Six Countries in Rural Sahel (English)


Targeting in Ultra-Poor Settings : Evidence from Six Countries in Rural Sahel (English)

9 Mar 2023

The main insights of this note are as follows: first, to significantly reduce poverty higher budgets for safety net interventions are needed, and expanding coverage is far more important than fine-tuning targeting methods. After geographical targeting, most PMT and CBT methods perform close to a random allocation of benefits when trying to identify food insecure households. While PMT consistently outperforms CBT in identifying households with the lowest consumption, differences are small when distances to the poverty line are considered. While non-beneficiaries experience significant indirect economic benefits from the program, there is mixed and limited evidence on social cohesion and fairness perceptions of targeting methods. Finally, costs are relatively minor as a share of total resources transferred. The policy note concludes with policy and research implications for contexts with high poverty rates, low inequality levels, and insufficient budgets.
poverty world western africa social adaptation social protection and growth western and central africa


Schnitzer,Pascale, Della Guardia,Anne Chartron, Lake,Milli May

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Targeting in Ultra-Poor Settings : Evidence from Six Countries in Rural Sahel
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
3W-Poverty, Vulnerability And Resilience- Sahel Adaptive Social Pr -- P174124
Series Name
SASPP Operational and Policy Note Series;
TF No/Name
TF0B2866-Poverty, Vulnerability, and Resilience
Unit Owning
Social Protection & Labor AFR 2 (HAWS2)
Version Type
Volume No

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