cover image: The 2030 Agenda Roadmap for sustainable development – Steps towards a sustainable future


The 2030 Agenda Roadmap for sustainable development – Steps towards a sustainable future

21 Dec 2022

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The development of the city specify the implementation of strategic will look like in 2030, the key goals and values of centre and the implementation of the spearhead objectives. [...] Cultural spearhead project The aim of the development of the city centre spearhead project is to strengthen a vibrant The aim of the spearhead project is to develop Communal Turku urban centre and to take concrete measures to and promote the operating conditions of art spearhead project achieve the objectives of the vision for the city and culture in Turku in collaboration with the The spearhead p. [...] The spearhead project well-being and balanced development of development strengthens the competitiveness will support the well-being of the city’s residential areas aims to invest in the balanced and attractiveness of the Turku city centre from residents and the vitality of the region. [...] progress The city strategy updated in 2022 further The themes of the City Strategy and the strengthens Turku’s long-term commitment to Mayor Programme strongly support the The city has continued its systematic work the principles and goals of the 2030 Agenda. [...] the second VLR Preparing the roadmap: The targets set in the roadmap and the city’s key measures Scope and targets of the review, have been mainly derived from the Mayor’s report structure Programme and the spearhead projects This report defines the city’s 2030 Agenda implementing the city’s renewed strategy roadmap for achieving SDGs at the local level as well as the city’s most important steerin.


City of Turku

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United States of America