cover image: Work, Stress and COVID-19 in Northern Ireland - Rosellen Roche, Erin Early, Joel Manzi and Paula Devine


Work, Stress and COVID-19 in Northern Ireland - Rosellen Roche, Erin Early, Joel Manzi and Paula Devine

22 Mar 2023

Work, Stress and COVID-19 in Northern Ireland Rosellen Roche, Erin Early, Joel Manzi and Paula Devine Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic was both an work, challenges and changes to work cent of those aged between 25 and 54 historic and unprecedented time that led and personal life were at the forefront of years were in paid employment during to a global health and economic crisis. [...] that time, compared to 64 per cent of Work patterns and employment practices those aged 18 to 24 years or 55 to 64 were, and continue to be, changed by the The 2021 Northern Ireland Life and Times years, and 17 per cent of those aged 65 pandemic and its associated lockdowns. [...] In and importantly, those in essential jobs – Changes to employment status, work addition, among those respondents who under particular strain during the period patterns and caring responsibilities were began to work from home during the of panic and lockdown in Northern experienced simultaneously during the pandemic, a higher proportion found Ireland – continued at their workplace pandemic, which. [...] respondents (51%) felt that their mental Multiple studies have shown a marked and emotional health got worse during Discussion increase in stress amongst the essential the lockdowns, 37 per cent felt that it The NILT data provides a unique snapshot workers, especially those in the health was the same as before, and 9 per cent of life at the end of 2021, a year which and social caring professions. [...] In gratitude to those in the very sector Private and governmental sector this disconnect, these essential workers that was put under so much strain during employers can use what was a harrowing reported more stress and dissatisfaction the periods of lockdown and serious time to learn and grow opportunities in the workplace that was not seen within illness.
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