Exporting digital authoritarianism: The Russian and Chinese models


Exporting digital authoritarianism: The Russian and Chinese models

27 Aug 2019

To supplement technological surveillance, implemented in Ecuador, where footage collected by starting in the early 2000s, the Russian state the government’s 4,300 cameras is transmitted to began to implement a series of laws that de facto the intelligence services.55 Meanwhile, in the Middle criminalize criticism of the government, legalize East, Dubai has already begun to deploy Chinese unfettere. [...] In April 2018, the government the ability to block content without court order in blocked Telegram, which in turn used various 2013.68 workarounds, including routing data through Amazon’s and Google’s cloud service, to still keep To extend the reach of the SORM-3 system, the the app active. [...] Still, the the cost of mass surveillance related to all aspects government’s failure to block Telegram revealed the 8 DEMOCRACY & DISORDER EXPORTING DIGITAL AUTHORITARIANISM: THE RUSSIAN AND CHINESE MODELS limits of Moscow’s capabilities, the importance of a education, public-private partnerships, training, free internet to Russian citizens, and the breadth of and an effort to protect intellectual. [...] 20 DEMOCRACY & DISORDER EXPORTING DIGITAL AUTHORITARIANISM: THE RUSSIAN AND CHINESE MODELS 97 In May 2019 the Ministry of Justice specified that times of crisis would occur after three types of threats: 1) to the “integrity” or connectivity of the network; 2) an attack or natural disaster jeopardizing the resilience of certain infrastructure; and 3) a threat to network security in the form of a ha. [...] 21 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Alina Polyakova is the founding director of the Project on Global Democracy and Emerging Technology and a fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution, where she leads the Foreign Policy program’s Democracy Working Group.


Alina Polyakova and Chris Meserole

Published in
United States of America