cover image: How Social Science Research Can Inform a National Reparations Research Agenda


How Social Science Research Can Inform a National Reparations Research Agenda

30 Mar 2023

In this brief, we discuss how social science research can contribute to and inform a national reparations agenda. We document the progress that has been made on reparations-related research and identify opportunities for social scientists to build on existing research and make new research contributions.WHY THIS MATTERS Across several key outcomes, including health, wealth, education, and life expectancy, ostensibly race-neutral social policies have failed to close persistent racial gaps for Black Americans. Reparations is one strategy for closing those gaps and promoting wealth building among Black Americans. (The Urban Institute has contributed to the evidence bases of other strategies for promoting economic security and building wealth; these other strategies include direct income supports, such as cash transfers and baby bonds, that could support financial well-being and advance wealth equity.)
research methods and data analytics economic well-being racial wealth gap wealth and financial well-being economic mobility and inequality race and equity black/african american communities structural racism in research, data, and technology office of race and equity research


LesLeigh D. Ford, Rekha Balu

Published in
United States of America