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EPRN Training Calendar 2023 Course 2023 Code Course Title

7 Dec 2022

PLANNING, MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING OF PROJECTS • An upgraded workable understanding of the key concepts in Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting • An understanding of the importance of integrating Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting into project Planning, and an understanding of where they fit into the project cycle • Knowledge of how to plan a project using the Logical Frame. [...] COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS AND FEASIBILITY STUDY Introduction to cost-benefit analysis • Aim of cost-benefit analysis 3 • Importance to policy-makers and link to Impact Assessment • Importance to regulated utilities and infrastructure investment • Ex ante and ex post cost-benefit analysis • Guidance documents (including Treasury Green Book) Feasibility Analysis • Contextual definition of the object • D. [...] DATA ANALYSIS BY USING SPSS • Accessing data entry and importing from other sources • Manipulating data to create new data fields • Generating descriptive statistics • Presenting data in tables and graphs for analysis and reporting • Exploratory data analysis • Assessing whether differences and correlations between groups and data fields statistically significant • Basic trend analysis • Levels of. [...] STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE • Importance of Human Resource Management; • Recruitment and placement; • Compensation and benefits; • Human Resource Development; • Relationship and conflict management; • Leadership in workplace • Understand the key strategic HR issues and trends that are relevant to today's HR managers • Learn how to design and implement an HR information system • Know how to integrate. [...] E-VIEWS, PYTHIN AND R-PROGRAMMING E-Views: • Generating and Exporting E-Views graphs • Properties of Time Series Data and Model Design; • Specification and the use of Models; • Evaluation of models • Set up and interpret time series models in E-Views • Forecast macroeconomic variables for Policy Analysis Python • coding techniques and best practices • Program flow control in Python • Using databas.



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