cover image: Read Executive Summary


Read Executive Summary

16 Feb 2022

Building upon existing racial equity work and guidance, this report is informed by the public health model of social determinants of health and has been tailored to the specific needs of gun violence prevention. [...] It helps contextualize the issue of racial disparities in gun violence and the role of the criminal legal system. [...] It includes the analysis of the foundational assessments that were considered to develop the tool and a practical explanation of each of the questions that comprise the REIA. [...] It describes the need to center and invest in BIPOC-led organizations and presents a set of recommendations for developing and sustaining a more equitable gun violence prevention movement. [...] REIA 1 What are the stated objectives of the gun violence prevention policy? 2 What is the context of racial inequity that informs the issue being addressed? 3 What types of racial disparities could potentially result from the policy’s design and implementation? 4 Who are the specific communities that will be impacted by the policy? 5 What, if any, data can be used to measure whether racial inequi.
Published in
United States of America