cover image: Global Electricity Review 2023 - Wind and solar reach record high  in 2022, and expected


Global Electricity Review 2023 - Wind and solar reach record high in 2022, and expected

11 Apr 2023

The decarbonisation of the power sector is underway, as record growth in wind and solar drove the emissions intensity of the world’s electricity to its lowest ever level in 2022. [...] The increase in global solar generation in 2022 could have met the annual electricity demand of South Africa, and the rise in wind generation could have powered almost all of the UK. [...] 20 Wind and solar met the majority of demand growth In 2022 growth in wind and solar met 80% of the increase in electricity demand, while all renewables together met 92% of the rise. [...] The median of all the scenarios assessed by the IPCC shows the same as the IEA: wind and solar are expected to rise to 41% of global electricity by 2030. [...] In the G7, which generated 40% of the world’s gas power in 2022, the rise of clean power will mean the simultaneous phasedown of coal and gas, where previously the focus had first been on a coal power phasedown.
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United Kingdom