cover image: A few indicators  These quantitative indicators relating to some of the sessions need to be read with all the caveats


A few indicators These quantitative indicators relating to some of the sessions need to be read with all the caveats

23 Apr 2023

Session 1 – Europe and Freedom: The View from Outside Figure 1 Freedom House’s current classification of free, partly free, and not free countries S ource: Freedom House (2023) Figure 2 Share of free countries in the world, 1972-2021 Source: Our World in Data based on Freedom House (2022) 1 Figure 3 Share of free countries in Europe compared with those in the rest of the world in 2022 (by number o. [...] India 32 41 4 18 5 China 26 50 3 18 2 Russia 16 34 13 24 14 USA 17 35 28 14 5 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Definitely the same More or less the same Don't know Not very similar Not at all similar Source: PPMI, NRCE & NFG-Asian Perceptions of the EU (2015) 4 Figure 10 Perception of media freedom in the EU from the outside Perception of Media Freedom in the EU India 31 43 18 2 5 China. [...] ECONOMIC FREEDOM ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 7.!6 7.!6 7.!8 7.!6 7.!4 23/165 8.72 22/165 7.71 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Security and safety 9!.7 9.!6 9.!6 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 9.!6 9.!6 9.!4 9.!6 Rule of law 7."4 Size of government 5".9 Homicide 9.!5 9.!5 9.!5 9.!6 9.!6 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 Procedural justice 8!.4 Government consumption 3.!9 Disappearances, conflicts, terrorism 9!.8 9!.7 9!.7. [...] !8 9.!9 9.!9 9.!9 9.!9 9.!9 9.!9 9.!9 9.!8 9!.7 9!.7 9!.7 7.2 Civil society entry and exit 6!.8 Standard deviation of inflation Direct attacks on the press! 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.0 10!.09.9 Freedom of assembly 8!.3 Inflation: Most recent year Media and expression (V-Dem) 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.3 9.0 9.0 8.89.!9 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Freedom to. [...] Inheritance rights 10.0 Female genital mutilation 10.0 362Source: Human Freedom Index (2022) 13 ! Panel 7: The European Union Figure 21 State of freedom in the EU in 2022 according to Freedom House Source: Freedom House (2023) Figure 22 Importance of freedom of movement to Europeans Source: Eupinions polling (2020) 14 Panel 8: European Media Figure 23 State of press freedom in Europe Source: Our W.
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