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National Juvenile Justice Network

4 Apr 2023

Prevention also must address the additional reasons that schools remain a major pathway for youth into the youth legal system, including the expansion of a variety of non-violent and vague offenses in state codes, such as “ongoing open defiance,” “habitually disruptive behavior,” and “disturbing schools.” Also contributing is the dramatic growth in the use of school-based police, commonly referred. [...] Housed under the Office of the Inspector General, the OYO will provide additional oversight over the City of Philadelphia’s child welfare, youth legal, and behavioral health systems with respect to youth who are residing in Residential Treatment Facilities (RTFs) to continue to improve the safety and quality of services. [...] Maine CME 561-LD 756 transfers $300,000 to the Department of Education to establish and expand school-based restorative justice programs; mentoring services for youth involved in the youth legal system; and workforce development, educational, or vocation programs for youth involved in the youth legal system. [...] Youth in Adult Court California CA A 2361 requires the youth court to consider a young person’s potential for rehabilitation and the outcome of any of their previous experiences in youth court when considering petitions to transfer minors to a criminal adult court. [...] In order to do so, courts must consider certain enumerated factors, including the young person’s age, maturity, youth history, and the relative ability of the available adult and youth detention facilities to meet the specific needs of the young person and to protect the safety of the public as well as other detained youth.


National Juvenile Justice Network

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United States of America