cover image: Free and equal in dignity and rights: A national conversation on human rights


Free and equal in dignity and rights: A national conversation on human rights

12 Dec 2018

Our Ref: [Insert File Reference] Free and equal in dignity and rights: A national conversation on human rights TERMS OF REFERENCE The Australian Human Rights Commission, HAVING REGARD TO: Its functions to: o promote an understanding and acceptance, and the public discussion, of human rights in Australia (s.11(1)(g) AHRC Act); o report … as to the laws that should be made by the Parliament, or ac. [...] The recognition in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’ (Art.1 UDHR) and that through the Universal Declaration, and the subsequent human rights treaties that have been ratified, Australia has pledged ‘to achieve … the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms’ (Preamble, U. [...] The national conversation on human rights will consider possible actions to ensure that: a.) the community understands human rights and is able to protect them (for themselves and others) b.) communities are resilient and a protective factor against human rights violations c.) law and policy makers explicitly consider the impact on human rights of their decisions and are accountable for this impac. [...] The national conversation on human rights will: a.) Promote awareness of the importance of human rights to 21st century Australia b.) Identify current limitations in the promotion and protection of human rights at the national level c.) Identify the key principles and elements of a human rights reform agenda to modernize our system of human rights protection d.) Build partnerships and consensus on. [...] The national conversation on human rights will include the following activities: a.) A national summit on human rights b.) Public events and consultations c.) A report to the Attorney-General and federal Parliament on actions that should be taken to ensure an effective system to promote and protect human rights d.) A report to the United Nations Human Rights Council as part of Australia’s 3rd univ.


Darren Dick

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