cover image: Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance-SBTi Finance Comparison Table


Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance-SBTi Finance Comparison Table

27 May 2021

N.-Convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance Net-Zero Asset Owners Alliance — SBTi Finance Comparison Table Net-Zero Asset Owners Alliance — SBTi Finance Comparison Table While financial flows were specifically referenced in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement (Article 2.1(c)), target-setting methods and alignment resources have taken a few years to be developed and deployed. [...] AOA provides a membership-based Alliance for peer exchange and collective action with a target-setting protocol while SBTi is focused on independent assessment and validation of targets against selected methods and criteria. [...] SBTi Finance AOA Theory of Change SBTi supports net-zero transformation The Alliance supports asset owners in the financial sector through (investors) to commit to net-zero by rigorous, transparent, and 2050 emission compatible with 1.5°C and quantitative targets on investment to carry out this commitment through and lending portfolios. [...] 3 Net-Zero Asset Owners Alliance — SBTi Finance Comparison Table- Summer 2021 SBTi Finance AOA Coal exclusion and Financial institutions are Read the full position here: Alliance fossil fuel recommended to phase out financial Thermal Coal Position – United Nations disclosure support to coal across all their Environment – Finance Initiative activities in line with a full phase-out ( of c. [...] Reporting SBTi requires financial institutions to Members are required to issue targets R equirements publicly report coverage of portfolio within 12 months of making the Alliance targets, a summary of the Net-Zero commitment, they report implementation strategy, and annual annually on progress to the Alliance.



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