cover image: State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples


State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples

5 Jul 2016

10 Editor’s preface: minorities, indigenous State of the World’s Minorities State of the World’s Minorities Editor’s preface: minorities, indigenous 11 peoples and the right to culture and Indigenous Peoples 2016 and Indigenous Peoples 2016 peoples and the right to culture Introduction: recent developments in spanning education, the sciences, culture, the field of indigenous cultural rights commun. [...] is vital to the general well-being of those access and preservation of cultural goods’.7 on minority and indigenous peoples’ cultural In its current interpretation, the right to communities and the people belonging to Participation of members of minorities in cultural rights. [...] But the pendulum clearly has The traditions, customs and practices of Tangible heritage and there is now a growing awareness of this to lean towards the minority and indigenous minority and indigenous cultures are linked Minority and indigenous tangible heritage among the museums, universities and other communities themselves – not least since they to the concept of ‘intangible heritage’, defined. [...] the inscription of the Western Ghats as a World When minorities and indigenous peoples are Heritage natural site in 2012 was implemented given the opportunity to participate in the Health Natural heritage without the consent of the local Adivasi design of tailored or autonomous educational Traditional systems related to health are also The debate regarding minority and indigenous community and wit. [...] 26 Cultural rights and their implications for State of the World’s Minorities State of the World’s Minorities Cultural rights and their implications for 27 minority and indigenous communities and Indigenous Peoples 2016 and Indigenous Peoples 2016 minority and indigenous communities ‘Sing the freedom songs today for the same reason the development, shaping and attrition of cultures, slaves sang th.
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