In the regulated world, IRP determines the avoided costs of various resources, and the green price premium is calculated by the difference between the avoided cost and the cost of the renewable resource. [...] The response of likely green customers were differentiated from the pool of all customers, and the results were analyzed according to the respondents' awareness of the program. [...] The utility asked 2,000 residential customers to allow the utility to round up the customer's bill to the next whole dollar, with the money in the penny jar going to the wind fund. [...] Of the 45 percent of the customers included in the test who were aware of the program, 4.37 percent of those agreed to participate. [...] The output of the wind turbine does not actually provide all of the electrons that flow to the participants' homes, because wind is an 2 ] Of course, it could have chosen to halve the premium and double the number of customers needed to pay the difference in cost, or some other combination.