cover image: The State of State-Owned Enterprises 2022


The State of State-Owned Enterprises 2022


Advocata's "State of State Owned Enterprises" is a deep dive on the impact of State Owned Enterprises on Sri Lanka's economy. It pulls together essential data on 52 enterprises out of some 500 Sri Lankan SOE’s operating in different sectors. As a group, these SOEs have suffered large losses which have contributed to the present macroeconomic problems facing the country. The state has to make good on these losses, increasing public deficits that have to be financed by borrowing from the Central Bank. This has brought high inflationary pressures into the economy. Losses of these enterprises contribute to macroeconomic instability given the perilous state of our overall finances. The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, Ceylon Electricity Board and SriLankan Airlines need immediate reform or sale to a private party to arrest the growing magnitude of this problem.
sri lanka privatisation state-owned enterprises


Advocata Institute

Published in
Sri Lanka


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