cover image: Avoidable mortality: OECD/Eurostat lists of preventable and treatable causes of death (January 2022 version)


Avoidable mortality: OECD/Eurostat lists of preventable and treatable causes of death (January 2022 version)

31 Jan 2022

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Selection of causes of mortality for the preventable and treatable categories Table 1 below presents the selection of causes of death for the lists of preventable and treatable causes of mortality following the application of these guiding principles, along with a brief rationale for their inclusion. [...] Epilepsy x G40,G41 0-74 Case-fatality rates can be Diseases of reduced through early the nervous detection and appropriate system treatment. [...] Appendicitis x K35-K38 0-74 Case-fatality rates can be Diseases of reduced through early the digestive detection and appropriate system treatment. [...] Renal colic x N23 0-74 Case-fatality rates can be reduced through early Diseases of detection and appropriate the treatment. [...] Sources and calculations for the indicators of preventable and treatable causes of mortality OECD Data for the calculation of treatable and preventable mortality are drawn from the WHO Mortality Database.



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