Fracking Up Our Water, Hydro Power and Climate summary - CClliimmaattee  JJuussttice Project


Fracking Up Our Water, Hydro Power and Climate summary - CClliimmaattee JJuussttice Project

8 Nov 2011

the government’s reluctance to discuss the potential for massive increases in water and hydro power usage by the shale gas industry is troubling to say the least, given the enormous potential for increases in greenhouse gas emissions as the shale gas industry expands its operations. [...] as a result, british columbians the bc government has focused on the oil and gas industry as a key source of employment and subsidize the oil and prosperity, which may leave the impression that significant economic benefits outweigh environ- gas industry’s hydro mental concerns. [...] yet in the face of persistently low gas prices (due in part to a glut of available gas in north america due to upward revisions in estimates of available shale gas) the government continues to offer royalty breaks and infrastructure credits to the industry, which actually serve to lower public returns. [...] the short-term gains in future revenues and jobs, however, ought to be weighed against the con- siderable environmental costs, begging the question: Why is bc subsidizing a polluting industry instead of developing a true green jobs plan? FRacking up ouR wateR, hydRo poweR and climate: Bc’s Reckless puRsuit oF shale gas SUMMARY 5 FracKIng and Water regUlatIOn WOes In the past 13 years, the bc gover. [...] those of the author, and do not ccPa is a registered non-profit charity the Wilderness committee works on necessarily reflect the views of the and depends on the support of its more the ground to achieve ecologically publishers or funders of this report.
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