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Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Synthesis of Statements on Climate Change

1 May 2023

In line with previous to provide information on “the contributions that the years, the CESCR frequently referred to parties’ State party has committed to and made to the Green commitments under the Paris Agreement (e.g., COBs Climate Fund.” to Bahrain and Italy and LOIs to Indonesia and Kyrgyzstan). [...] In its COB to Bahrain, the Committee The Committee addressed fossil fuels in four noted that the State party was not on track to meet outputs (e.g., LOIs to Australia and Iran and COBs to its nationally determined contribution (NDC) under Bahrain and Italy), including the financing of related the Paris Agreement or its targets for reduction in activities by public and private actors. [...] In its recalled its 2018 Statement on climate change and COB to Luxembourg, the Committee expressed the Covenant (e.g., COBs to Serbia, Czech Republic, concern about public and private financial institutions’ and Tajikistan), as well as the 2019 Joint Statement by investments into fossil fuel activities and other carbon the CESCR, the CEDAW, the CRC, the CRPD, and intensive sectors, as well as the. [...] The Committee to Italy, the Committee identified concrete measures recommended that the State party take the necessary to reduce GHG emissions, recommending that the measures to decrease public and private investments State party “[t]ake measures to achieve its nationally into fossil fuels and other activities that are incompati- determined contributions under the Paris Agreement ble with the need. [...] In some instances, of fossil fuels and to replace them with renewable the Committee also requested information on energy and the efforts made to reconcile its continu- “[w]hich institutions are tasked with the elaboration ing support of coal mines and coal exports and its and implementation of climate change adaptation obligations under the Covenant, both in the State party measures and policies f.
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