cover image: CIGI Papers No. 275 — May 2023 - The Future of Standardized Sustainability Reporting


CIGI Papers No. 275 — May 2023 - The Future of Standardized Sustainability Reporting

1 May 2023

Similarly, the IFRS Foundation fourth section to highlight the challenges with seeks to establish a standardized approach to the current approach to defining materiality and integrated reporting in collaboration with the the impacts these challenges have on reporting SASB and the GRI and under the supervision of standardization. [...] provide a brief overview of the critical features To address this challenge, several institutions of five prominent reporting standards, which began to develop comprehensive standards to include the CDP, the TCFD, the GRI, the SASB and facilitate corporate responsibility and provide the IFRS. [...] Adams and This interest appears to have influenced the Subhash Abhayawansa (2022), the current efforts consolidation of the SASB standards and the by the IFRS Foundation to create sustainability IIRC framework under the IFRS umbrella (IFRS reporting standards that complement their Foundation 2022b), and led to the proposal of new financial standards are somewhat misconstrued, reporting standards w. [...] The purpose of sustainability reporting can allow companies to decide the scope of their is to communicate the positive and negative reporting (Hess 2014), which might limit the implications of non-financial (i.e., social and comprehensiveness of their disclosures (Mion and environmental) performance to stakeholders Loza Adaui 2019). [...] The application of mandatory (ElAlfy, Weber and Geobey 2021; Herzig and reporting appears counterintuitive, given the Schaltegger 2006) along with considerations for degree of autonomy corporations have under the economic implications of the organization’s a soft governance approach and the use of the actions (Setia, Abhayawansa and Joshi 2022).
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