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Monthly Featured Book - New From Here - Book Themes About the Book

26 Apr 2023

What was positive about those plans and when did it go in a negative direction? What was your reaction to these adventures and have you ever done something similar? ¾ What happens at recess when the kids play “coronavirus tag?” How do Christopher and Knox, the only Asian students in the class, feel about this? Later in the book when Christopher says he doesn’t want to play coronavirus tag, what do. [...] based on them being Asian? Could you relate or not to the bias and stereotyping they faced? ¾ How did you feel when the book ends? What do you think will happen next for Knox and his family as they all are now together in the U. [...] Explore the different ways someone can act as an ally in those situations, explaining that an ally is “someone who helps or stands up for someone who is being bullied or the target of bias.” Share some examples from the book and ask them to share when they saw ally behavior in the book. [...] Share that some of the ways we can act as an ally are (1) to support the target, whether you know them or not, (2) not participate in the bullying, which can make a big difference, (3) tell the person doing the bullying to stop, (4) tell a trusted adult and (5) get to know people instead of judging them. [...] Pandemic Experiences The book focuses on the experiences of the Wei-Evans family during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic— in Hong Kong and the U.
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