cover image: Carta a la secretaría del PNUMA INC tratado de plásticos


Carta a la secretaría del PNUMA INC tratado de plásticos

26 May 2023

We are writing to express our disagreement with the restrictions on civil society participation in the INC-2 negotiating process, and with the rejection of all requests for co-organisation of INC-2 side events by Latin American organisations, including those involving the participation and leadership of Indigenous Peoples of the region. [...] First, the restrictions imposed by the Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the second round of plastic treaty negotiations run counter to UN Environment Assembly Resolution 5/14, which "stresses the need to ensure the widest possible and effective participation in the work of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group and the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee". [...] The restrictions imposed on civil society participation in this INC-2 on the grounds of the limited capacity of the building, as well as security measures, will in practice leave 80% of those registered to represent organisations out of the negotiation process. [...] Organised civil society organisations working on the ground have made enormous efforts to finance the travel and accommodation of our representatives, and it is therefore completely frustrating and unfair that most of us will be left out of the building, without even having the possibility to participate in the negotiations. [...] n particular, they jeopardise the right to participation and consultation of Indigenous Peoples, as recognised by the WorldLabourOrganisation Convention 169and the UN Declarationon the Rights of Indigenous Peoples..
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United States of America