cover image: Gridwatch: A Low-Cost Approach to Measuring the Reliability of Power Systems


Gridwatch: A Low-Cost Approach to Measuring the Reliability of Power Systems

21 Jun 2022

Utility companies can use GridWatch data to identify, track, and A LOW-COST APPROACH TO respond to outages more rapidly; regulators can use the data to monitor utility performance; and donors and governments can use it MEASURING THE RELIABILITY to better target investments in infrastructure to help deliver reliable OF POWER SYSTEMS power to the communities that need it most. [...] GridWatch Makes Reliability Tracking Easy for Utilities, Regulators, and Donors T H E I N T E R S E C T I O N O F • GridWatch reports key performance indicators, E L E C T R I C I T Y A N D E Q U I T Y including frequency and duration of power outages. [...] To learn more about how nLine can tailor GridWatch systems to support Gr idwatch can g ive infrastructure investments and donors , governments , development: and u t i l i t ies the data Visit: they need to inves t in Email: power inf ras t ruc ture Read: in targe ted ways , s t ra tegical l y Acknowledgments strengthening the power gr i. [...] The contents are the sole responsibility of RTAC and NORC at the University of Chicago and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government. [...] The data will help the First SDG7 Review at the UN High-data will help inform energy solution measure primary outcomes Level Political Forum 2018 (United improvements for facilities and strengthen of the Compact, including Nations Department of Economic cold storage for essential medicines and SAIDI, SAIFI, and voltage- and Social Affairs, 2018), that require refrigeration, includ.
Published in
United States of America