cover image: The civil war in Myanmar: No end in sight


The civil war in Myanmar: No end in sight

13 Feb 2023

The second anniversary of the February 2021 coup dtat in Myanmar has just passed, and the abysmal state of armed conflict, insurgency, chaos, and anarchy has only been deteriorating. Despite the repeated calls by regional organizations like the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and by the United Nations to stop the violence, protect human rights, and respect the democratic process, the Burmese military junta has demonstrated no appetite for political concessions or negotiation with the resistance movement. With the uncertainty associated with the postponed general elections this year which most speculate will be neither free nor fair nor legitimate the civil war inside Myanmar is likely to only escalate in 2023. There is no end in sight.
myanmar international affairs defense & security u.s. foreign policy


Yun Sun

Published in
United States of America

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