cover image: The Inconsistent "Coal-Free Pledge" of Korea's National Pension Service - An analysis on the air pollution and health damage


The Inconsistent "Coal-Free Pledge" of Korea's National Pension Service - An analysis on the air pollution and health damage

21 Jun 2023

Introduction In the age of the Climate Crisis, the movement of capital towards the sustainability of the world’s environment and human society has become an irrefutable paradigm. [...] This study calculated the degree of responsibility, the attribution factor, of the NPS's investment in coal in the air pollution and health damage impacts generated by domestic coal-fired power plants. [...] Based on data on air pollutants and emission facilities of domestic coal-fired power plants submitted by the Ministry of Environment to the office of Representative Jin Sung-joon of the National Assembly (Environment and Labour Committee), the operating coal-based power plants listed are estimated to have emitted 21.5 kilotons (kt) of SO2, 19.2 kt of NOx, and 1.6 kt of particulate matter (PM) poll. [...] [Step 1] Calculate the proportion of the total assets of the power plant in the total assets for the power company. [...] Bondholding Attribution Factor The attribution factor related to bonds is the sum of the direct investment made by the NPS by acquiring bonds issued by the power generation company and the indirect investment made through the acquisition of bonds issued by the parent company.
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