cover image: Evaluation of YourPlay Final Report - Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety


Evaluation of YourPlay Final Report - Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety

10 Feb 2022

Recommendation 6: Good quality management information is critical to support the continuous improvement of projects, and the contract with the primary IT vendor should explicitly identify the nature and quality of information to support the on-going management of the scheme together with the way in which it is to be supplied. [...] This Report This report represents the final report of the evaluation, consolidating earlier findings around the implementation of the scheme with an assessment of the extent to which the scheme has achieved its targeted outcomes, the costs of delivery, and the cost effectiveness of the scheme. [...] Impact of legislative development process on implementation The legislation and regulations generally fit the objectives of the scheme well, although the impact on use of the scheme due to adopting a wholly voluntary approach can only be examined as part of the impact evaluation and should generally have supported the smooth implementation of YourPlay and its take up by gamblers. [...] Recommendation 6: Good quality management information is critical to support the continuous improvement of projects, and the contract with the primary IT vendor should explicitly identify the nature and quality of information to support the on-going management of the scheme together with the way in which it is to be supplied. [...] Attitudinal/behavioural change among venue managers and staff Understanding of YourPlay Comparing the results of the qualitative research conducted with venue managers and staff in 2016 with that undertaken prior to the launch of the scheme, it appears that the range of misconceptions regarding YourPlay that existed amongst managers and staff have been resolved, a notable success of the stakeholde.
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