cover image: MEDICINEINSIGHT - Validation of the MedicineInsight database: completeness, generalisability and plausibility


MEDICINEINSIGHT - Validation of the MedicineInsight database: completeness, generalisability and plausibility

13 Dec 2021

The Australian Government Department of Health had input into the design of the project but was not involved in the analysis and interpretation of the data. [...] Assessment of the validity of MedicineInsight data The extent to which the findings of analyses of MedicineInsight data are a true reflection of general practice activities and patient health – and are trusted by clinicians, policymakers and researchers – depends on the quality and completeness of the data. [...] The completeness of variables in the ‘Site’ and ‘Practice recruitment’ tables were calculated as a proportion of all general practices, and the completeness of variables from the ‘Clinical user’ table were calculated as a proportion of all clinical users. [...] FIGURE 1: STUDY SELECTION FLOWCHART FOR THE FY10 2019/20 COHORT VALIDATION OF THE MEDICINEINSIGHT DATABASE: COMPLETENESS AND GENERALISABILITY 23 The proportion of patients excluded from the study due to invalid (missing) gender increased over the 10-year study, from 0.1% of the total cohort in FY1 to 0.5% in FY10 (Table 6). [...] The completeness of variables in the ‘Site’, and ‘Practice recruitment’ tables were assessed as a proportion of all practices and the completeness of variables from the ‘Clinical user’ table was assessed as a proportion of all clinical users.


Kendal Chidwick

Published in

