8 Billion Day facts and myths: A guide to the 8 billion global population milestone on 15 November Jane O’Sullivan, November 2022 The United Nations estimates that the world population will reach 8 billion on 15 November. [...] The governments and media trying to encourage higher population growth in rich countries are acting on a very narrow set of interests (keeping wages low and speculative investment profits high) while misrepresenting the balance of interests for the wider community. [...] It is not a distraction from reducing consumption-related greenhouse gases, nor is it ‘blaming the poor for the excesses of the rich’ since poor countries have the most to gain from greater family planning delivery. [...] Madagascar was on the brink of famine last year and the World Food Programme claimed it was the world’s first climate change famine although the drought wasn’t unusually deep. [...] According to the World Health Organization, the six countries with the highest numbers of internally displaced persons – Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic SPA Briefing Note: 8 Billion Day facts and myths 2 ..
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