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Integrated Care Systems and tobacco control: improving outcomes in

31 May 2023

Nonetheless, the range of governance arrangements is apparent: some ICBs have yet to establish any formal governance for tobacco control work, whereas others have a process of management and oversight in place, as in the following examples: Whilst I lead on the day to day management of the Project, there is a strong governance structure in the form of a long-standing monthly Tobacco Dependency Ste. [...] After an initial review of the documents, the following exclusive categories were used to differentiate the strategies: • There is no direct mention of smoking in the strategy • Smoking is mentioned in the strategy but is not referenced in any goal, ambition, priority or target • Smoking is cited as an example within a broad goal, ambition or priority • Smoking is the specific focus of a goal, amb. [...] We will focus on the top five risk 9 factors for early death early and disability • By 2028 we will have: decreased the gap in healthy life expectancy by 25% and decreased by 25% the under 75 mortality rate from causes considered preventable Smoking is 6 (19%) NHS Cornwall We recognise the importance of mentioned in the and the Isles of tobacco and alcohol control, and strategy but is Scilly will. [...] NHS South Smoking in pregnancy: Reduce Yorkshire and the percentage of women in Bassetlaw South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw who are smoking at time of delivery to 6% by March 2024 Smoking in adults: Reduce percentage of adults in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw who smoke to below 10% by March 2024, with a reduction in the gap between the proportion of the general population who smoke and people with rou. [...] This is commonly a source of tension in health policy; recently the parliamentary Health and Social Care Committee has urged the DHSC and NHSE to ensure that ICSs have the capacity to focus on public health and prevention given the demands of short-term, operational challenges3.


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