cover image: Challenges to the Rules-Based Order: - Agendas for Australia-ROK Cooperation - AN ASIALINK REPORT


Challenges to the Rules-Based Order: - Agendas for Australia-ROK Cooperation - AN ASIALINK REPORT

3 May 2023

This provides and indication of the to collaborate both bilaterally and multilaterally on the various forces that have been at play in both promoting development of the regional and international dimensions and constraining the development of ROK-Australia of the RBO and its institutional architecture. [...] The report then proceeds to examine the takes a comparative approach to the task of deciphering more recent foreign policy directions and priorities of the similarities and differences in the respective policy the two countries, particularly under the Yoon Suk-yeol approaches of Australia and the ROK, and thereby offers and Anthony Albanese administrations. [...] extensive interviews conducted by the lead researcher Next, it explores Seoul’s and Canberra’s conceptions for the report in Seoul in June and July 2022, under the of the RBO, both in its regional and international Yoon administration, and in Canberra in October and dimensions, and the key institutions through which November 2022, under the Albanese administration.7 The they have sought to shape t. [...] Lastly, based on interviews were conducted with government officials and these assessments, the report identifies three concrete experts from a range of relevant disciplines in the ROK agendas for cooperation between the ROK and Australia and Australia to obtain a broad spectrum of perceptions on the development of the RBO and the institutions and within the foreign policy communities of both coun. [...] global level - including strategic competition, economic At the heart of this report is the contention that the and environmental disruption, the proliferation of ROK and Australia share a vital mutual interest in weapons of mass destruction, and the technological cooperation on the development of the RBO and should revolution promised by the deployment of artificial start at the earliest opportun.
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