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21 Dec 2021

We acknowledge the deep feelings of attachment and relationship of the Kaurna people to country and we respect and value their past, present and ongoing connection to the land and cultural beliefs. [...] How the Adelaide Zero Project, and the housing, homelessness and support system of which it is a part, understands and activates Housing First as an ideology and approach remains underdeveloped, necessitating this focussed investigation into the understandings of, barriers to and opportunities for Housing First. [...] continue to exist to broader-scale adoption of the Housing First model, not least of which is the lack of a national homelessness agenda which centers Housing First in policy and practice and is backed by the resources needed to support the approach. [...] A deep dive into the Adelaide Zero Project’s wealth of person-specific Housing First is meant to mean you put… the data builds a collective picture of appropriate supports around them but for the multiple barriers experienced that to happen the appropriate supports by individuals and standing in the have to exist and often in our case way of a Housing First system. [...] regular scrutiny of project data (qualitative and quantitative; by-name data and case notes for example) to understand system and individual barriers and enablers (opportunities) to Housing First (housing and support) outcomes and the best housing and support bundle for an individual, and to examine gaps in service offerings with a view to plugging such gaps with new responses.


Selina Tually

Published in

