cover image: Guiding Principles on Government Use of Surveillance Technologies


Guiding Principles on Government Use of Surveillance Technologies

28 Mar 2023

In the worst cases, governments employ such products or services as part of a broad State apparatus of oppression that violates or abuses a number of human rights and fundamental freedoms including freedoms of expression, religion or belief, association, and peaceful assembly, rights to equality before the law and equal protection of the law without discrimination, and procedural rights, causing o. [...] Governments should therefore take steps to ensure that the use of surveillance technologies is lawful and responsible, and also that there are safeguards in place that apply to the collection, handling, and disclosure of material obtained using these technologies in order to protect individual privacy, personal data, and human rights and fundamental freedoms, and to foster transparency, accountabi. [...] Transparency mechanisms should exist and take into account the need to balance the interest of individuals and the public to be informed with the need to prevent the disclosure of information that would harm law enforcement, national security, or public safety objectives. [...] ● Limitations on Data Scope and Collection: The quantity and nature of information collected through surveillance technology and the timeframe for which that data is retained should be limited to what is relevant or necessary and appropriate to achieve specified and legitimate objectives of public interest and be consistent with applicable domestic and international law, including rules on safegua. [...] ● Training: Government officials involved in the policy development, procurement, operation, oversight, and accountability of surveillance systems should be well informed on the appropriate and lawful use and technical limitations of the technology and data protection best practices, including on matters related to privacy and other human rights.
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