cover image: Noise Annoyance Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in the General Population- The Contribution of Aircraft Noise


Noise Annoyance Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in the General Population- The Contribution of Aircraft Noise

20 Apr 2023

Noise Annoyance Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in the General Population- The Contribution of Aircraft Noise RESEARCH ARTICLE Noise Annoyance Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in the General Population- The Contribution of Aircraft Noise Manfred E. [...] This is an open tion of noise annoyance to anxiety and depression and explored the contribution of diverse access article distributed under the terms of the environmental sources to overall noise annoyance. [...] The activation of fight–flight and defeat reactions is thought to involve subcortical regions of the brain like the hypothalamus, which has inputs to the autonomic ner- vous system, the endocrine, and the limbic system. [...] The study and its procedure have been approved by the ethics committee of the Stat- utory Physician Board of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate and by the local and federal data safety commissioners. [...] Discussion The present study shows that the degree of noise annoyance reported by people living in the vicinity of the Frankfurt Airport and taking part in the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) is strongly associated with the degree of depression and anxiety.


Manfred E. Beutel, Claus Jünger, Eva M. Klein, Philipp Wild, Karl Lackner, Maria Blettner, Harald Binder, Matthias Michal, Jörg Wiltink, Elmar Brähler, Thomas Münzel

Published in
United States of America
