cover image: 2018 National Economic Impact of the US Coastal Port System


2018 National Economic Impact of the US Coastal Port System

20 Apr 2023

The remaining $5.1 trillion represents the value of the output to the national economy that is created due to the cargo moving via the coastal ports. [...] This is not included in the direct additional $331.0 billion of federal state and business revenue as it occurs from the portion local tax revenue created due to the economic of the direct income that is used by activity of the exporters and importers using individuals for purchases of goods and the nation’s deep-water coastal port system. [...] This growth in jobs and economic value of the seaports reflects the growth of 165 million A similar methodology was used by Martin tons of international cargo since 2014, and Associates to estimate the national impact of underscores the importance of continued the U. [...] These jobs are estimated based on the value per ton of the commodities exported and imported via the each of the seaports and the associated jobs to value of output ratios for the respective producing and consuming industries located throughout the United States. [...] The ratios of jobs to value of export or import cargo were then combined with the value of the respective commodities moving via the public and private terminals to estimate related jobs and the spin-off jobs to support the export and import industries.


john martin

Published in
United States of America
