cover image: Policy Brief | July 2023 - Health System Reforms for Universal Health Coverage: Insights from Select Emerging Market Countries


Policy Brief | July 2023 - Health System Reforms for Universal Health Coverage: Insights from Select Emerging Market Countries

7 Jul 2023

The year 2010 saw the global endorsement interpreted and adapted in different ways due of the idea of universal health coverage (UHC) that to the diversity in the socio-economic, political, had its roots in the Alma-Ata declaration. [...] This includes the creation of a purchasing Indonesia, the role of the purchaser was undermined agency, identification of interventions and the by unclear demarcations between the provider and best providers to purchase from, and contracting the purchaser, diluting the focus on the ‘strategic’ arrangements to pay for interventions. [...] The segregation of roles through different This entails the creation of an agency that plays the institutions allowed the purchaser to demand role of the strategic purchaser, in turn diluting the greater accountability from the provider. [...] 6 Health System Reforms for Universal Health Coverage: Insights from Select Emerging Market Countries 2.4 Financial Protection crisis of the late 1990s and the ensuing social turmoil and disruption became the inflection point Low-middle-income countries experience the for providing security and stability to the population challenge of high OOPE in health care and a through welfare measures in the. [...] Through universal insurance too had a dominant private sector, with almost 70 coverage, the purchase of services by the government percent of the total beds in the private sector in from the private health sector brings them into 1975, leading to greater utilisation of health services the purview of the mandate of UHC.
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