OUR STRATEGY 2022-2025 - “A stronger and more inclusive civil society to


OUR STRATEGY 2022-2025 - “A stronger and more inclusive civil society to

7 Feb 2022

Strategic Objectives To equip BME Sector organisations To provide leadership and advocacy To coordinate BME Sector responses to engage with policy and decision on important and challenging issues to Government and other relevant makers at local and national levels, that face BME Sector. [...] For the first part, aims 1, 3 and 4 equality through direct infrastructure Outcomes help the BME sector to increase engagement service delivery, advocacy and improving and influence, particularly with policy Increased skills and confidence Better recognition of V4CE leadership Greater coordination of a collective infrastructure provision through of BME organisations in terms of and advocacy and in. [...] For the second, Improved BME contribution to public 4: To increase opportunities for BME Increased ability of BME Increased awareness within the BME and grant making policy formulation aims 2, 4 and 5 are to help develop organisations to engage in relevant sector of opportunities within new through the development of a recognition of the Sector’s value and impact, organisations to develop resource. [...] To publish reports and disseminate To develop and support BME third To promote partnership working information to show the value of the sector organisations through the between V4CE and frontline/ Delivery Process BME Sector and its achievements. [...] Strategic Objectives Strategic Objectives To reverse current trends and ensure To increase opportunities in To build stakeholder engagement to To establish, develop and maintain To commission and disseminate V4CE to continue and expand policy greater access to social investment.
Published in
United Kingdom
