cover image: SOTA58-Workplace mental health implications for team working Wishart


SOTA58-Workplace mental health implications for team working Wishart

28 Jun 2023

In the light of the well- documented growth in mental health issues, and the productivity impacts of poor workplace mental health, increasing understanding around how team functioning and performance may be affected by the mental health issues of team members could provide insight to inform policy and practice in this area. [...] This review considers the available evidence on team dynamics and functioning in the face of mental health issues of team members, identifies evidence gaps and suggests foci for future research in this area to address gaps in knowledge. [...] Hastuti and Literature Antecedents of, and Feelings of alienation in mental Timmings review implications of, health sufferers themselves have (2021) disclosure of mental been linked to non-disclosure of health conditions in their condition, while feelings of the workplace. [...] 4 Summary Research in the area of mental health and team working has so far highlighted the stigma and prejudice that employees with mental health issues can experience in their interactions with co-workers, and the negative impact that this can have on their working relationships. [...] How does poor mental health of a team member influence broader team perceptions of their team wellbeing and performance? Future studies could focus on the ways in which the relational issues experienced by those with mental health issues influence team member perceptions of psychological safety at work.


Liu, Jiao

Published in
United Kingdom
