cover image: NACTO_051723_nn



9 May 2023

NACTO_051723_nn.pptx Equity Toolkit SFMTA Transit Equity Toolkit Emergency Response Planning • • Muni Equity Strategy Report Muni Service Equity Strategy • • • • Equity Neighborhoods • • • • • Equity Neighborhoods Equity Toolkit Methodology • • • • • • • • • • • • Methodology evolution • • • • • • • • CIP Equity Tool • Equity informed prioritization • • Benefit and impact not the same Transit Equi. [...] Maps of transportation equity related data layers **Transportation Equity Dashboard companion to REF 4 City definitions Equity: Fair and just opportunities and outcomes for all people Racial equity: The development of policies, practices and strategic investments to • Reverse racial disparity trends, • Eliminate institutional racism, and • Ensure that outcomes and opportunities for all people are. [...] • Replacing ACP50* as the geographic-based way to consider equity related to transportation initiatives • Aligns with regional work to move away from ACP50s • Removes in/out binary and replaces with transportation-specific factors that allow for more nuanced approach to defining equity *ACP50 is Areas of Concentrated Poverty with more than 50% residents of color. [...] More info here : 15 TEP score: Base Equity and Equity+ scores 16 Transportation Equity Priority score 17 Strategies + actions • Aligned around 4 goals • 24 strategies + 64 actions • Framing same as Transportation Action Plan • Difficulty: low, medium, high • O. [...] 3 Metro’s Equity Tools > Equity Focus Communities > Assessment and Planning Tools > Community-Based Organizations Partnering Strategy > Equity Information Hub 4 What are Equity Focus Communities? > We first developed the Equity Focus Communities (EFC) Map in 2019 to assist with implementing the Equity Platform Framework > This map, updated in 2022, helps us identify where transportation needs are.



Published in
United States of America
