cover image: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC) Air and Radiation Docket Docket No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2022–0985


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC) Air and Radiation Docket Docket No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2022–0985

16 Jun 2023

On March 15, 2023, thirty-seven members from the Moving Forward Network met with the EPA A dministrator and staff to reiterate what must be included in the GHG draft rule to uphold the Administration’s commitments to environmental justice and reach the intended goals from the GHG rule. [...] In addition to strengthening the proposed rule, we urge the Administration to adopt a comprehensive policy and programmatic agenda that aims to eliminate the toxic emissions and cumulative impacts that are a direct result of the h eavily-polluting freight system. [...] While the Clean Air Act contemplates that EPA might limit the stringency of standards based on its assessment of what is feasible, in the case of the Phase 3 rule, the agency’s refusal to adopt the strongest standard is not based on the identification of any technological or engineering barriers. [...] The results are clear— people of color and people with low incomes face some of the h ighest levels of pollution and are least equipped to ward off the consequences of this pollution. [...] In fact, freight-impacted communities are even more vulnerable to the impacts of air and other pollution because of socio-demographic stressors—including racial segregation, high rates of poverty, lack of access to affordable foods, and lack of access to healthcare—compared to communities that do not face these stressors.
Published in
United States of America

