cover image: The Soros Rogue Prosecutor Movement and the Insurance Industry


The Soros Rogue Prosecutor Movement and the Insurance Industry

17 Jan 2023

Progressive intellectuals like Herbert Marcuse, Marcus Garvey, and Stokely Carmichael laid the foundation for this belief.9 The modern-day heirs of these intellectuals argue that America was built on the back of slave labor.10 They believe that—despite a Civil War to end slavery; the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments; the abolishment of Jim Crow laws; the passing of federal civil. [...] They reject the notion that the district attorney’s job is to enforce the law and seek justice by convicting the guilty and protecting the innocent. [...] Since the judge did not know about the priors, he set the bail at $30,000, and Madden paid the bail bondsman the $3,000 (10 percent of the bail) and walked out of jail. [...] On the official agenda of the conference, the speech was titled “Crime and No Punishment: A Study in the Increase in Crime in America’s Cities.” At the time of the speech, the recall effort against George Gascon was ongoing. [...] As the American Bar Association notes, “The prosecutor should seek to protect the innocent and convict the guilty, consider the interests of victims and witnesses, and respect the constitutional and legal rights of all persons, including suspects and defendants.” See Criminal Justice Legal Standards for the Prosecution Function, Part I, Standard 3-1.2(b) (AmBar Ass’n 4th Ed.
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